Disclaimer, anda tentu pernah dan sering mendengar hal tersebut. Apakah anda pernah juga mempehatikannya pada buku-buku manual setiap software struktur yang pernah anda pelajari atau yang sedang anda pelajari?
Mari kita perhatikan beberapa disclaimer yang ada.
1. GTSTRUDL - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA The Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) and the Georgia Institute of Technology make no representation or warranty expressed or implied as to the adequacy of this documentation or the software described herein. In no event shall the Georgia Tech Research Corporation, or the Georgia Institute of Technology, their employees, their contractors, or the authors of this documentation be liable for special, direct, indirect, or consequential damages,losses, costs, charges, claims, demands, or claim for lost profits, fees, or expenses of anynature or kind.
2. ANSYS – Computational Applications and System Integration Inc., Urbana, IL, USA CA&SI does not guarantee the correctness or usefulness of the results obtained using PCGLSS, CA&SI is not liable for any conclusion or actions based on the result. It is the responsibility of the user to confirm the accuracy and usefulness of the results.
3. SAP2000 - Computers and Structures, Inc. , Berkeley, California, USA … The program has been thoroughly tested and used. In using the program, however, the user accepts and understands that no warranty is expressed or implied by the developers or the distributors on the accuracy or the reliability of the program. The user must explicitly understand the assumptions of the program and must independently verify the results.
Dengan contoh beberapa disclaimer ini, menjadi perhatian penting untuk mempelajari dengan hati-hati.